erence between the internet and intranet Difference between Internet and Intranet The Internet and Intranet are both networks of computers, but they differ in several ways. The Internet is a public network that is available to anyone with an Internet connection and access to the World Wide Web. It is a global and open network that allows users to access a variety of websites, applications, and services. The Intranet, on the other hand, is a private network that is restricted to a certain group of users, usually within a company or organization. The main difference between the Internet and Intranet is the purpose of the network. The Internet is used for communication between people and organizations, for researching information, for sharing and exchanging documents, for entertainment, for shopping, and for many other applications. The Intranet is used for internal communication within an organization. It is used to share documents, store and manage data, manage projects, and provide users with access to company resources. The Internet and Intranet also differ in terms of their setup and infrastructure. The Internet is a decentralized network made up of millions of computers connected to each other through a global backbone. It is maintained by a variety of different organizations and is constantly changing and evolving. The Intranet, on the other hand, is a centralized network that is controlled and maintained by the organization that owns it. It is usually a closed network, meaning that only authorized users can access the network. The Internet and Intranet also differ in terms of security. The Internet is a public network, which means that it is open to anyone with an Internet connection. It is vulnerable to malicious activities such as hacking and viruses. The Intranet, however, is a closed network, which means that it is only accessible to authorized users. It is protected by firewalls and other security measures, making it much more secure than the Internet. The Internet and Intranet also differ in terms of cost. The Internet is a free network, and users can access it without paying any fees. The Intranet, however, is a closed network and requires an organization to pay for the infrastructure and setup of the network. The Internet and Intranet are both important networks for organizations, but they serve different purposes. The Internet is a public network that is used for communication, research, and entertainment. The Intranet is a private network that is used for internal communication and to provide access to company resources. Each network has its own advantages and disadvantages, and organizations should choose the one that best meets their needs.
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